wE spEnt ouT wEEkEnD at thE mAnlY b**cH..iT wAS cOOl n fUn..wE cooK oUR owN lUncH..mY houSEmAtEs N i mAkE sandwicHeS..fAroUK N dIn mAkE cAkE n strAwbErrY cucuR..nEW rEcipE..iT'S DElicioUs..u shuD tRY..hUhU..n flO N aliA nUr make friEd mEe..n kak tIkah brinGs friED ricE..a lot oF fooD..hMm..mkN..mKn..n mkN...hUhu..we wenT tO ciTY bY buS N thEN we took mAnlY fErrY to gO thErE...thE fErry iS juZ likE a fErrY iN pulAu pInAnG oR pUlAu lAngkAwI..sO,noThiNG differeNt froM mEsia..oNly thE viEw..iT wAS fUn n wE caN sEe the vieW oF hArbouR briDge n operA housE froM thE seA..iT wAs greaT..we picniC aT thE mAnlY bEacH iN thE middlE oF whitE pEoplE whO arE bZ tAnNing theiR skIn..Eee..xpnS ke??? thEn,my frenZ plAy at thE beacH buT i juZ wAtchinG thEm..whEn i sEe the beacH, i rEmembEr mY sWeet homE..hMm..missiNg mY fAmilY..buT it's oKaY..i'm herE bcoZ oF thEm..i wAnna make u prouD..loVe U aLL..
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