Monday, 9 March 2009

mArdi grAs???

mArdi grAs iS onE oF thE pOpulAr eVenTs in sYdneY..iT iS annuAl evEntS and thEy CElEbrAtE iT evERy yEaR..i dUn gO tO thiS evEnt bUt suM oF mY frENz diD..mArdi grAS iS ActuAlly a paradE oR cElEbrAtiON tO gAys n lEsbiAns..thEy sEemeD like thEy arE prouD to be thAt "kinD" of pErsoN..hMM..y?? arE thEy nO moRe guYS oR giRlS thAt thEy cAn iNtErESt tO??hMM..whO knoWs..mAybE thEy WannA shoW thAt thEy arE rEcognIsEd amoNg thE pEoplE n thEy arE fRee to do oR to bE whAt thEy WannA bE..hMm..oNly thEy knoW thE AnsWEr..yG pEliknyER..mAkcIk2 n pAkcIk2 poWn AdER jgK..xtAulA nK ckP cAmnE..pelIk tOL orG pUtiH nI kN..xdER bendA laiN ke nK buAt..hUHUhu..(p/s: btW gMbR dlM nIe bahAyA ckET..ckEt jE lA..soRI..juZ nK bG gmbRn kT koRG..hUhuHu..)

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