bulAn Yg cAntIk..
miSsinG sUmonE..
wondErinG wuT hAppenS ovER thErE.. pOsiNg oweZ..
i'M AlonE fRoM mY lovE onEs..eithEr mY fAmilY oR mY guLz..n oSo hIm..hErE,i hAvE nEW frenZ..shArinG anD cArinG bOuT anyonE ArounD mE noW..iT is a guD thiNg N i thInK i'm dIffeRenT noW..shAring oUr pERsonAl StorY iS nOt EasY jOB to dO..buT whEn WE truSt sumonE,shArinG iS cArinG..n cArinG iS loVinG..hMmm..am i righT??? 2niTE, dannY n i gO tO wAtErlOo pArK..to rElEasE tEnsEn n shArinG the StorY..iT wAs fUn..coZ WE cAn liStEn to othEr'S pErspEctivE..n it iS guD..alThouGH mY gulZ arE noT hEre,buT thEy oweZ iN my heaRT..miSh thEm sO muCh..n dAnnY,noThiNg iN this woRlD iS iMpossible..miRaclE wIll cOmE whEn iT's timE..moVe oN n oweZ chEer uP..hAppinESs is pRicElEss iN oUr lifE..tO gET iT iS dIfficulT..buT whEN u gEt iT,nEvER lEt iT gO..chAiyoK2...
hMmm..thiNkiNg???nO lA..cOmmoN poSE..hUhu..
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