Tuesday, 10 March 2009

a month iN SydnEy...

I hAvE bEen hErE 4 A moNtHs..nOthiNg mUcH chAngE..juZ mAybE i SE EngliSh mORe oftEn rAthEr than iN ipBA..bCoZ i hAvE tO inTEract wiTh thE foreIgnERs..iT's fUn..hMM..cAn ImproVE mY eNgliSh..hUhUhu..i miSh mY homE sOo mUcH..n u noE wuT,i dUn crY aftEr A montH iN sYdneY..i'M not rEpeAt thE saMe hIStorY..hIHIhI..i lovE bEiNg herE..n i hopE i cAn gEt morE fUN..hIhiHi..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

apa history u?
u nangis sebab tgl msia?