Friday 27 February 2009

a bEautifUL plAcE iN mcQ..

a fEW dAyS agO,wE wEnT to a pArK nEaR u@mcq.. iT is sOooo bEautIfUl..noT oNlY foR rEleASE tEnsIoN..bUt osO to studY..lpk2..n dAtiNg...iF hE iS hErE..hohoHo..thAt pArK hAS A foUntAIn n a lIttlE rIvER..N tHerE arE a loT oF birdS..thE plAcE iS Sooo grEEn..i lovE iT sO mucH..iT givES mE pEacE n rElAx..thAt plAcE wIll bE mY bEsT plAcE whEn I mIss hIm n mY fAmilY aftER wAtERlOo pArK..thE goD'S creAtiON iS So beautifUl..thAnX goD for givinG me A bEautifuL plAcE tO stuDy...alHamdUlillAh..

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