thIs wEEk iS abouT lEcturEs N o-Week..thE o-wEEk hErE iS noT thE saMe likE iS fUN N a loT oF ActivItieS werE hElD..N a loT oF frEE thinGs tOO..sO fUN..we gO evERywhErE juZ tO cOllecT thE frEe thinGS..aS cOllecTiON..buT,bcOz oF thAT,mY rUm bEcomES mEssY Oz oF thE thinGS..hUhUhU..mlS nK kmS lG..sOrrI..hUhU..aftER lEcturES,wE lEpAk2 aT thE stAllsoR bOOth juZ tO tAkE A piCS..buT somE oF mY frenZ sigN up foR thE cluBs..fAroUK n flo signED up foR unitED nAtioN cluB N diN,oF coursE, mAcquAriE dAncinG cluB..chAiyoK2 guYS..hIhI..the o-wEEk is fAntAstiC buT y it iS oNlY foR A wEEk?? i hOpE i cAn bE loNgER..hEhEhE..buT,noW..timE tO foCuS oN thE stuDY..nO mOrE plAy..gO..gO..chAiyoK..izza..
sTudY?? kOnoN...
SiGneD uP foR thE cLuB..
gOinG bAcK..sO tIrED..
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