Tuesday, 24 February 2009

fIrsT klAS..

thIs Week the clAsses is stArt..bUt oNlY foR lEcturE...hMMm..aFtER 3moNtHs dUn liSteN To lEcturE..noW,it'S timE To stARt agaiN..stakAt nIe oklA..the SUbjEcTs lOok iNtErestinG..fOr noW..hEhE..n thErE oso cAlled o-wEEk..we nEed tO rEgistEr thE clubS thAT WE'r intErEsteD tO..i'm noT joInnEd anY cluB..juZ mAcquAriE muSlim aSsociAtioN n mAlaYsiAn sTudeNts aSsociAtioN..oklA 2..mlS nK jOin byK2..hIhI..btW,mY firsT klAs..i weaR bJ kurunG..oNlY mE..cAM spEsEl lA plAk..bE pAtrioTiC..n cAn intrOducE the nAtionAl drEss to othER pEoplE..i'M prouD oF thAt..hUHu..

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