Friday, 22 May 2009

tEachEr's dAy aT dArling hArbOuR..

16th mAy..hEpI tEachEr's dAy...dArliNg hArbouR && fireWorkS..wE cElEbraTEd thE tEachEr's dAy AT dArlinG hArboUR wiF thE firEworkS shOw..iT's cOoL..loVE iT sOoo mUcH..aT fIrsT,i cAn'T gO there coZ i'm totAllY bRokEn..bUt thAnX tO mARd,mImIe,sUe n flO foR thE trEaT..rEallY ApprEciAtE iT..bCoZ oF thEm,I cAn Go therE..n aLl oF uS hAvE fUn..firST,WE wenT tO shalOM..iNdonEsiAn rEstAurAnT..thE bEsT hAS spIcY fOOd..apE lG..oRdER lA..pItY to a feW oF mY frenz whO cAn'T eaR sPicY fOod..thE fOod iS deLiciouS n wE've plAnnED to gO thErE nExt timE..bUt AftEr alloWancE mSk lER..hUhUHu..thEn,aLl of uS wAlK AS quiCk aS wE cAn coZ wE afrAiD thAt wE'rE going to bE lAtE foR thE firEworKs..thAnx goD..wE arrivED thErE tepAt2 jEr shoW 2 nK staRT..cAntIk sgT..aLl oF uS eNjoY the shOw..iT wAs the bESt tEachEr's dAy cElEbrAtIOn..hUhuhU..p/S: thanx a loT,gUyS...

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