Wednesday 20 May 2009

Allah knOws whAt iS thE bEst foR uS..

aLL oF uS hAvE wIshES n hOpinG thAT ouR wIsheS wiLl comE trUE..sOmetimES wE wish fOr sUmthiNG thAt iS dIfficUlT tO gET..whAt WE nEed tO rEmEmbER iS nOT EvErYthiNG thAt wE wAnT,wE cAn gET iT..bEcoZ Allah kNoWs whAt iS thE beST foR uS..dUn puSh ouRsElvES tO gEt iT n jUZ mOvE lIke thE floW..n InsyAaLLah,,eVerythiNg wIll bE fInE..n owEz rEmEmbEr whAt iS ouR pRioriTy..eVErythinG happEnS hAs iT's oWn gOod n nevEr blAme thE fAitH iF wE dUn gET whAt wE wAnT..allAh knOws thAt We cAn hAndle iT n sUmtimES iT wIll mAkE uS tO wOrk hArdER aS to gET whAt We wANt..whAt We nEed tO dO..juZ bElievE in ouRselvEs n bE pAtienT..iNsyAllaH wE wIll gEt whAt wE wAnT..bUt nEvEr wiSH foR sUmthinG biG happenS..n AccepT thE fAitH,k...loVe u All...

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