sO..njoY uR lIfE n nevER rEgrET oN whAt u have donE..
Friday, 22 May 2009
jUz a siGh..hMm..
sumEtimEs lIfe is WeirD..i DUn understAnD WhY wE have tO lEavE sUmOne thAt We lovE??iS it bcOz we dUn waNNa hUrT hIs/hEr fEelinG??or iT is juZ a tEst foR oUR lovE??
n sumetimEs, do wE nEed to bothEr bOuT whAt othErs tHiNk and saY bouT uS althougH sumTimEs thEy dOn'T meaN iT??i'M trYinG tO fIgurE whY thiS it wRonG to tEll sumoNe thAt wE loVe hIm/hEr oR hate hIm/hEr??iT juZ a fEelinG thAt ComE ovEr n sUmtimEs wE dUn wAnT thAt fEelinG to come to ouR heaRT..buT how cAn wE fOrcE thAt frOm noT cOminG tO ouR lifE??iS thAt lifE??if it is the meaNinG of lifE,i juZ cAn saY thAt,lIfE is rEallY cOmPlicatEd..n whAt we cAn dO is juZ mOve oN wif the fLoW..hMM...thAt's lifE..N LaUgH aS mUcH As U brEathE,n lOve As lonG As YoU livE..lAsT bUt nOt leasT...rEmembEr thAt liFe is AbouT chAngE..sUmetimEs iT's bEautIfUL..sumtimEs it's pAinfUL..moSt oF thE timE it's bOtH..
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hmm, be happy my dear little friend...
yup... nih lar izza yg i nak.. move on n be strong.. goyang... goyang.. goyang kpala goyang.. huhuh
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