Friday, 22 May 2009

frEnZ lASt fOrevER...

to aLL mY frenz.thAnX 4 aLL ur sUpporT..bcoZ oF U..thAt iS whAt i Am noW..i fEel rElieF n hEpI wiF mY lifE noW..bcOz oF u,iT mAkEs mE sTrongER pErsoN..n u noE wuT u ArE thE bEsT friEnDs evER..loVe U guYs..iZZa shAyunkS sAmA kamOo...

jUz a siGh..hMm..

sumEtimEs lIfe is WeirD..i DUn understAnD WhY wE have tO lEavE sUmOne thAt We lovE??iS it bcOz we dUn waNNa hUrT hIs/hEr fEelinG??or iT is juZ a tEst foR oUR lovE??n sumetimEs, do wE nEed to bothEr bOuT whAt othErs tHiNk and saY bouT uS althougH sumTimEs thEy dOn'T meaN iT??i'M trYinG tO fIgurE whY thiS it wRonG to tEll sumoNe thAt wE loVe hIm/hEr oR hate hIm/hEr??iT juZ a fEelinG thAt ComE ovEr n sUmtimEs wE dUn wAnT thAt fEelinG to come to ouR heaRT..buT how cAn wE fOrcE thAt frOm noT cOminG tO ouR lifE??iS thAt lifE??if it is the meaNinG of lifE,i juZ cAn saY thAt,lIfE is rEallY cOmPlicatEd..n whAt we cAn dO is juZ mOve oN wif the fLoW..hMM...thAt's lifE..N LaUgH aS mUcH As U brEathE,n lOve As lonG As YoU livE..lAsT bUt nOt leasT...rEmembEr thAt liFe is AbouT chAngE..sUmetimEs iT's bEautIfUL..sumtimEs it's pAinfUL..moSt oF thE timE it's bOtH..
sO..njoY uR lIfE n nevER rEgrET oN whAt u have donE..

tEachEr's dAy aT dArling hArbOuR..

16th mAy..hEpI tEachEr's dAy...dArliNg hArbouR && fireWorkS..wE cElEbraTEd thE tEachEr's dAy AT dArlinG hArboUR wiF thE firEworkS shOw..iT's cOoL..loVE iT sOoo mUcH..aT fIrsT,i cAn'T gO there coZ i'm totAllY bRokEn..bUt thAnX tO mARd,mImIe,sUe n flO foR thE trEaT..rEallY ApprEciAtE iT..bCoZ oF thEm,I cAn Go therE..n aLl oF uS hAvE fUn..firST,WE wenT tO shalOM..iNdonEsiAn rEstAurAnT..thE bEsT hAS spIcY fOOd..apE lG..oRdER lA..pItY to a feW oF mY frenz whO cAn'T eaR sPicY fOod..thE fOod iS deLiciouS n wE've plAnnED to gO thErE nExt timE..bUt AftEr alloWancE mSk lER..hUhUHu..thEn,aLl of uS wAlK AS quiCk aS wE cAn coZ wE afrAiD thAt wE'rE going to bE lAtE foR thE firEworKs..thAnx goD..wE arrivED thErE tepAt2 jEr shoW 2 nK staRT..cAntIk sgT..aLl oF uS eNjoY the shOw..iT wAs the bESt tEachEr's dAy cElEbrAtIOn..hUhuhU..p/S: thanx a loT,gUyS...

mkn2 di rmH flO...

sEtElAh SEkiAn lamE mEnunGGu,aKhiRnyER..mKn di rMh flO plAk..hUhuHu..uSuAllY,my hOuSe jD tmpT mKn2,nOw,rmH flO plAk..flO mSk..yEyeyE...flO mSk bIhUn rAtnA vErsI sabAh..besT sgT...n osO kEk instAnT..hUhuHu..bUt sumE mKnn 2 sDp2..nK lG...lPs nI blEh lA mSk lG..coZ i dH pnT..hahahA...

pICNiC aT wAtERlOo pArK..

evEryonE iS tEnsioN wIf the WoRkS..sO,wE hAd A plAn tO hAvE picnIC aT wAterloo pArK..thErE wErE mE,fAroUK,diN,flO,lInA,jEn N miRA..wE mAdE "cEkodOk" n "piSAnG goreNg"..aCtuAllY wAtERlOo pArk iS juZ 5mInutEs wAlK..iT's too nEaR..hUhu..iT wAS A fuN daY bcoZ wE're lAughInG n hAvE fUn TogEthER..flO reAd uS horoScopE n dIn tAke iT sEriouSlY...whAt a believE..hIhI..soRi,dIn..buT thE besT thing wAs i nOE thAt i hAve frEnz thAt I cAn relY oN bEsidEs mY gurlZ..u all r suCH a grEAt frEnz..lOvE u aLL...

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

sistEr's gAthErinG...

a fEW wEEks AgO,cOhoRt 4 n CohoRT 5 hAvE oRganiZEd sistErs gAthErinG..oNlY foR thE giRls..sorRy,gUys..hUhuhu..tHis pRogrAmmE tUk rApAtkn lG ukhuWah antArA ktEoRg sumE...bEsT sgT..n bTw,tHanx 2 kAk yAniE N kAk wADia coZ sudi dTg bG tAlk n joiN ktEoRG..mlM 2 stArt ngAn tAlK frOm Akak2 nIE..bEsT sgT..n lpS sUrprisE pArty foR su n kAk yAniE..hEpI belAtEd bUrfdaY..thE nExT dAy..mAin2..mAiN pErmainan trAdisionAL..aDEr gAlAh pAnjAng,nola berAcuN n yG plG bEsT..mAIn gEtAh..lAmE xmAin.ingAt zAman bDk2 sgT..nwAT,thAnx,gurLs..coZ mEnjAyAkAn prOgrAM nIE..insyAallaH,nantI ktE wAt lG..hUhuHu... p/s: moRE piCs wiLl bE updAtEd sOOn..

Allah knOws whAt iS thE bEst foR uS..

aLL oF uS hAvE wIshES n hOpinG thAT ouR wIsheS wiLl comE trUE..sOmetimES wE wish fOr sUmthiNG thAt iS dIfficUlT tO gET..whAt WE nEed tO rEmEmbER iS nOT EvErYthiNG thAt wE wAnT,wE cAn gET iT..bEcoZ Allah kNoWs whAt iS thE beST foR uS..dUn puSh ouRsElvES tO gEt iT n jUZ mOvE lIke thE floW..n InsyAaLLah,,eVerythiNg wIll bE fInE..n owEz rEmEmbEr whAt iS ouR pRioriTy..eVErythinG happEnS hAs iT's oWn gOod n nevEr blAme thE fAitH iF wE dUn gET whAt wE wAnT..allAh knOws thAt We cAn hAndle iT n sUmtimES iT wIll mAkE uS tO wOrk hArdER aS to gET whAt We wANt..whAt We nEed tO dO..juZ bElievE in ouRselvEs n bE pAtienT..iNsyAllaH wE wIll gEt whAt wE wAnT..bUt nEvEr wiSH foR sUmthinG biG happenS..n AccepT thE fAitH,k...loVe u All...

Friday, 1 May 2009


nI lA sOfeA..
mEsti u aLL t'tAnyEr2 sApelA SofEA 2..sofeA 2 AnAk kAk zAi N abG sHAruL..cOmeY glER..i mEt hEr durInG hOuseWarmInG 2...mUle2 bZ ngAn kejE..tP Sbb pnT sgT..dUklA rElax2..thEn nMpK sofeA..ingAt kT mY siS,iZZah..sO,pGla mAin ngAn diE..bEsT jgK lYN bdK kEciK nI..hilAnG tEnseN..dIe nI mmG bYk mUluT n ActiVE,tp comEy sGT..dIe cKP "biG girL xmAiN ngAn biG boY"..sO,kAlO bdk2 lakI pg kt diE,dIe lArilA..hIhI..n mUle2 dIe xnK ngAn oRG,..2 mY freN ckPlA..tP mS i appRoAcH diE,diE oK jER..layAn pUnyER layAn, diE dH nK bLK dH..tP sdEH,diE xnK bLK..shE wAnnA stay wiTH mE..n wAnTed mE tO gO wiTh hER..sdeH kN..shE hOldEd mY hAnD..n xnK lpS...aku Ape lG,nK nAngiS lA..wAaaa..n hER mUm ckP,die xpRnH cAmNI..sO,akU dH pEcAh rEcorD,,huHu..thEn,ktEoRg jAnjI akN jupE bLK nAnTi,tP die xnK..nK xnK, pG la AntA diE kT kretA..tP xnK jGk,she wAnted mE To FolloW hER..thEn,nAik la krEta skalI..tP xlA ikUT..pAndAi2 lA tpU..hUhuhu..sdeH glEr ms 2...ingAt kT my siS..tP ktEoRg jupE blK kT pdG ArI ahAD 2..dIe dTG,n huGged mE..tERhAru glER...n sAmbIl jalAn2,shE hOlDed mY hAnD..sWeet kN..rIndU kt die dH..hOpinG tO sEe hER AgAiN..