Friday, 10 April 2009

spOrT cArnIvAl..

4 AprIl..sPoRT cARnIvAl..afTeR prSctIcinG foR AlmoST a mOntHs, nOw thAt iS thE dAy..i plAyED nEtbAll wiTh mY friEndS..wE chAllEngEd aLL UnI iN SydnEy..uNisyD,uTS n uNsW..iT wAS tOuGH bUT iT's fUn coZ i cAn mEet othER pEoplE..eSpEciallY mY SEnioR..uNbEliEvAblE i meet hIm iN sYdneY AftEr quitE A lonG timE..hE's mY tEachEr's sOn..aT firST i dUN nOe iF hE'S thE onE..buT AftEr tGk lAme2 ckET,btOlla..huhuHu..Ok..foRgET bouT hiM..thErE aRe OthEr gamEs suCh AS bAdmintOn,bAskEtbAll,tEnniS n So oN..but sorY to saY..ktEoRG loSE..tP xpER..sEmAngAt aDER..cOngrAtES to All pArtIcipAnTs n thAnx tO All sUppoRterS..mmG syG kOrg lbH lA..tHn dpN dtG lG..mAkE thE plAcE hAppEniNG..hUhuhU..

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