Friday, 3 April 2009

funniesT dAy eveR ++ hungRY..

31MarCH..i thouGHt iT Will bE A noRmAl dAY..buT SumthinG hAppEnED..i WaLked bAcK fRoM mY clAss As,farouk,khairuddin and mY hOusEmAtEs wEre plAnninG tO Cook dinnER togethER..wE knoW thAt therE will bE eVacuAtiOn dRIll prActicE N bEcausE of we'rE sO dAmn lAzY, wE dUn wAnnA joIN..hUhuhu..thEn,wE cook dinnER hEpIlY..N whEn mE,jEn n fArouK wAnnA eaT, sUmonE cAmE..trOy...he sAiD thErE is firE EvRyonE hAs tO rUN..thEn,All oF uS stArinG At eAcH othEr N stArtED lAughinG..the RA juZ lOok aT uS..n thEn fAroUK sAiD, lEt's rUn guyS...thEn dgN tGK kEtAwA2 2,we lEfT ouR fOod opENed N rUn ouT frOM thE hoUsE..n aLl oF SuddeN iT's rAininG..wE thouGHt,thE prActicE Will end thERe,buT nO..wE nEed to rUn To wAtERlOO pArK N stAy theRe iN A boUt 45minutES..dhlA lpR,pAstu ddK bodO jEr kT c2..ish2..wAt pnT jER..tP klAkAr.thEn blK2 jER,ktEoRG truS mkN..kyG AkHirnyER pEruT inI..hahAha

1 comment:

~M i z a ~ said...

smangt giler korang...
akak tggu kot2 la ra dtg nk halau g pdg, xder pn..akak siap pkai kaen smyg lgik (pdhal bru pas smyg time tu)... sbb bleh ngelak xnk g...haahaha!