28 mArcH..ouR cAnberrA trIP whiCh iS oRgAnizE bY pAmElA N dArcY..thAnX..we wEnT thErE wiTH coHoRt 4..iT wAs A loNG jOurnEY..likE froM kL 2 kEdAH..aloNg thE waY,thE viEW iS oNlY thE desERT likE"pAdAnG jArAk,pAdAnG tEkukuR"..hUhuhu..iT's boriNG..i'M juZ sleep in thE besT bEcAusE i wokE eaRlY iN thE moRninG tO cOOk friED bihUN tO mY cOhoRT..coZ wE'rE hAviNG pIcniC n shArE thE fooD..so tIREd..noW,it's AutuMN..AnD i'M sO glAd N eXcitED to See thE yEllooWisH tReeS n grASs..bcOz wE cAN See iT iN mcQ..it wAS sO bEautifUl..i love iT sO mUcH..hUhuHu..firSt stop is Parliament House....kT mesiA xdPt mSK,tp aUssiE pUnyER dH..hUhUhU..iT iS vERy iNtErEStinG bCoZ eVerythinG iNcluDinG cOlouRS hAS iT's oWn SignifIcAncE..n iT iS vERy bEautiFUl plAcE..siAp Ader tmpT wAT bAntAhAn tUK rAkyAt..bEsT 2..hUhUhU..thEn,wE movED tO nAtionAl mUseuM oF AussiE..i dUN gO inSidE thE musEuM bcoZ wE dUn hAvE eNuFF timE..nK mkN lG..sOlAt..shOppinG..iT's oK..bcoZ mEseuM iS noT mY plAcE..hAhAhA..thEn,wE go tO aUssIE wAR mEmOriAl..hErE,mIRa N mE dUn gO iNsidE thE mEmoriAl buT wE hAvE fUn ouTSidE thE mEmoriAl..iT's a loT oF nIcE plAcEs To tAkE picS..sO,ApelA..cAm oRG glER kteorg..hahA..thEn, nK blK kN..adER sUmthiNG funnY hAppEnS..hmm..aSk mIra thEn..hAhahA..bcoZ oF loNG jOurneY to go bAcK tO mcQ,mE,miRA.linA,jEn,intAn,khAiruDDiN N iqbAL dIscuSS A loT oF thinGs AnD lEarn neW lAnguAgEs..mCm2 adE..yG besT..dArcY n pAmelA joiN skAlI..hUhUHu..finallY,we aRRivED aT mCq N it's wAs tirinG..tP ktEoRg lApAr..n yg klAkArnyER,tGh mSk2 kT rmH,tRoy(RA eNseM kt cnI) cAmE N asK uS to sWitcH oFf thE liGHTs bcoZ eArtH hOuR..mSk dlM gElAp la..nsb bAik sdP jGK..hUhuHU..aLthouGH iT wAs A tiRinG dAy bUT it gAvE me a loT oF fUN n cAn'T stOP frOm LaughinG..huhuhu..
parliament house...
aussie war memorial...
p/s: morE piCS iN fS,faCebooK...
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