a fEW dAyS agO,wE wEnT to a pArK nEaR u@mcq.. iT is sOooo bEautIfUl..noT oNlY foR rEleASE tEnsIoN..bUt osO to studY..lpk2..n dAtiNg...iF hE iS hErE..hohoHo..thAt pArK hAS A foUntAIn n a lIttlE rIvER..N tHerE arE a loT oF birdS..thE plAcE iS Sooo grEEn..i lovE iT sO mucH..iT givES mE pEacE n rElAx..thAt plAcE wIll bE mY bEsT plAcE whEn I mIss hIm n mY fAmilY aftER wAtERlOo pArK..thE goD'S creAtiON iS So beautifUl..thAnX goD for givinG me A bEautifuL plAcE tO stuDy...alHamdUlillAh..
Friday, 27 February 2009
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
klASs n o-wEEk...
thIs wEEk iS abouT lEcturEs N o-Week..thE o-wEEk hErE iS noT thE saMe likE mAlaYsiA..it iS fUN N a loT oF ActivItieS werE hElD..N a loT oF frEE thinGs tOO..sO fUN..we gO evERywhErE juZ tO cOllecT thE frEe thinGS..aS cOllecTiON..buT,bcOz oF thAT,mY rUm bEcomES mEssY Oz oF thE thinGS..hUhUhU..mlS nK kmS lG..sOrrI..hUhU..aftER lEcturES,wE lEpAk2 aT thE stAllsoR bOOth juZ tO tAkE A piCS..buT somE oF mY frenZ sigN up foR thE cluBs..fAroUK n flo signED up foR unitED nAtioN cluB N diN,oF coursE, mAcquAriE dAncinG cluB..chAiyoK2 guYS..hIhI..the o-wEEk is fAntAstiC buT y it iS oNlY foR A wEEk?? i hOpE i cAn bE loNgER..hEhEhE..buT,noW..timE tO foCuS oN thE stuDY..nO mOrE plAy..gO..gO..chAiyoK..izza..
sTudY?? kOnoN...
SiGneD uP foR thE cLuB..
gOinG bAcK..sO tIrED..
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
dEaR intAn..
nI spEciAl tUK Intan...
sYg bGT sama kAmOO...
miSh U dAmn mucH..
hOpinG To sEe u aGaiN...
We all need a best friend,a best friend
I remember when we was young
Playing pool,after school,keepin' it cool
People say we were the troublesome two
I know the girls liked me & you
I can never forget the times you've covered my back
You helped me out and cut me some slack
There was nothin' you'd never do
It's all about me and you.
You're my brother, you're my sister
We'll stick together
No matter what, no matter what
Best friend, never gonna let you down
Best friend, always gonna be around
You know, whatever life puts you through
I'll be there for you
We all need a best friend, to understanda best friend,
to take your hand
You know, whatever life puts you through
I'll be there for you
You remember the days when we would
Kick back, lay back
We'd be chillin' with the ladies
These times were the greatest
so don't worry about a thing my friend
'Cos you can count on me, thick or thin
Cos I'll be there right 'till the end, 'till the end
You're my brother, you're my sister
We'll stick together
No matter what, no matter what
Best friend, never gonna let you down
Best friend, always gonna be around
You know, whatever life puts you through
I'll be there for you
We all need a best friend, to understanda best friend,
to take your hand
You know, whatever life puts you through
I'll be there for you
Come on, come on best friend
Come on, come on best friend
Come on, come on best friend
Come on, come on best friend
You're my brother, you're my sister
We'll stick together
No matter what, no matter what
You're my brother, you're my sister
We'll stick together
No matter what, no matter what
Best friend, never gonna let you down
Best friend, always gonna be around
You know, whatever life puts you through
I'll be there for you
We all need a best friend, to understanda best friend,
to take your hand
You know, whatever life puts you through
I'll be there for you
Best friend, never gonna let you down
Best friend, always gonna be around
You know, whatever life puts you through
I'll be there for you
We all need a best friend, to understanda best friend,
to take your hand
You know, whatever life puts you through
I'll be there for you
Best friend, never gonna let you down
Best friend, always gonna be around
You know, whatever life puts you through
I'll be there for you
We all need a best friend, to understanda best friend,
to take your hand
You know, whatever life puts you through
I'll be there for you
fIrsT klAS..
thIs Week the clAsses is stArt..bUt oNlY foR lEcturE...hMMm..aFtER 3moNtHs dUn liSteN To lEcturE..noW,it'S timE To stARt agaiN..stakAt nIe oklA..the SUbjEcTs lOok iNtErestinG..fOr noW..hEhE..n thErE oso cAlled o-wEEk..we nEed tO rEgistEr thE clubS thAT WE'r intErEsteD tO..i'm noT joInnEd anY cluB..juZ mAcquAriE muSlim aSsociAtioN n mAlaYsiAn sTudeNts aSsociAtioN..oklA 2..mlS nK jOin byK2..hIhI..btW,mY firsT klAs..i weaR bJ kurunG..oNlY mE..cAM spEsEl lA plAk..bE pAtrioTiC..n cAn intrOducE the nAtionAl drEss to othER pEoplE..i'M prouD oF thAt..hUHu..
jlN2 Kt wAtERlOo parK..
alMosT eVERynitE we'rE goiNG tI wAtERlOO pArK..mE,mirA,linA,fArouK,imrAn N diN..juZ tO wAlk arounD oR sUmtimES jOgginG..jD cAm knK2 lA..bEsH glER..wE rUn n lAUghiNg liKe nO onE cArEs..hUhuHu..buT thE mosT imPortAnT thinG tO sEe thE stArs..it's sO bEautifuL..iT cAn rElEasE mY tEnsioN N mY hOmEsicK tO mAlAysiA..eSpeciAllY sUmOnE iN mAlAysiA..hMMm..miSh hIm sO bAD..i hopE whEN I sEe thE stARs n skY,hE osO do thE SamE thinG..miSh mE likE i misH hIm..i hOpe hE oweZ mY sidE nO matteR wuT..bcOz mY lifE woulD sucK withouT yoU..fOrtunatElY,i hAvE friEnZ hErE..sO,it cAn mAkE mE bEttER..hMM..miSH u dAmn a loT..n osO mY othER frENz n mY fAmilY..lOvE u..
You’re standing at my door
Guess this means you take back
All you said before
Like how much you wanted
Anyone but me
Said you’d never come back
But here you are again
Cause we belong together now (yeah)
Forever united here somehow (yeah)
You got a piece of me and honestly
My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you
Maybe I was wrong for tryin’ to pick a fight
I know that I’ve got issues
But you’re pretty messed up too
Either way, I found out I’m nothing without you
Cause we belong together now (yeah)
Forever united here somehow (yeah)
You got a piece of me and honestly
My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you
Being with you is so disfunctional
I really shouldn’t miss you, but I can’t let you go
Oh yeah
Cause we belong together now (yeah)
Cause we belong together now (yeah)
Forever united here somehow (yeah)
You got a piece of me and honestly
My life (my life) would suc
k (would suck) without you

Cause we belong together now (together now - yeah)
Forever united here somehow (yeah)
You got a piece of me and honestly
My life (my life) would suck (would suck) without you
Saturday, 21 February 2009

mY hOusEmAtteS n I n osO sUm oF mY freNZ wenT tO sYdneY ciTY wiF kAk tIkAh N kAk mImI..besT...syDnEy iS a grEAt cItY...thE bUilDinGs so AmAziNG..AdeR yG antIK..adER yG moDEn..cAmpur2 lA..n thE envIroNmEnT so gREen..u noE wuT i meaN..thE pArK iS sOo bEautiful...dpN lAuT...dpT hIrUP uDarA yG segAR..hUhU..aftER A fWE dAYs ujAn...nsB bAIk aRitU xujAn..sO,ktEoRg jlN ngAn hEpI..we wenT tO opErA houSE,hArbouR bRidgE..chInAtoWn..n yg plG pEntiNG,ktEoRG dInnER kT rRStorAn mAlAysiA..bEsT glER mkNN..dpT jUmpE blacAn kT sanE..ktEoRg mKN ngAn sepuAS atI..hOhoHo...ktEoRg lpK2 kt sYdneY sAmpAi mLM..tOP adER gAk criTER yG xbEsT..jlN pUnyEr pSl,kAki mElECet..sO,kn blI kasuT bR..abIs duiT..HHuhuHu...bUT iT's oK...coZ sydneY iS a amAzinG n gOrgeouS citY..i lovE iT sOooo mUcH...coZ ADer byK sale..nO lAa..coz sYdneY iS so bEautifUl..i'M glAd i'M iN sydneY noW..hehehe..

mY unI..
thiS iS mY unI noW..mAcquAriE uNivErsitY..thiS plAcE iS biG n fOrtunatElY dkT jER ngAn rmH ktEoRG..hUhU..sO,xlA pnT sgT jlN..n thE eNvirOnmenT bESt..pNH dgN kEhijAuAn..tnG jEr rasEnyER..cEH..mcM nAturAlisT lA plAk..ahAkS...n onE morE thinG..kT cnI byK sculpturE..peliK2 plAk 2...hMM...xtAu mOtiF apER..xpER2..nAnTi i figurED oUT..lOl...there arE sOme pICturEs..tAke a looK...
a daY wiF mY fAmilY..
10feB iS thE lAsT daY i spenT wiF mY fAmilY b4 i'M off tO aussiE..akU tMn fAmiLy shOpPinG kT sogO..sdeH lA jGK tImE 2..yElA..lAst daY..lpS nIE ssH dH..i miSh mY fAmilY..sO,thAT dAY akU iKuT jER fAmilY akU nK blI ape2..mLM 2 dH nK bERtolaK pG..moSt oF sAudArA Aku antA..tP jAp jEr dpT spEnD mAsE ngN DORg..Nk Pg CHeCk In Lg..Nk URUs BdK2 NI Lg..McM2..NsB BaiK SuMe OKeYH...FuHHH....ALHaMDuLILLAh..kUl 9 dH kN mSk..thAnX 2 mY fAmilY N mY freNz coZ AntA kT airpORt..n osO sUmonE spEseL..bUT i'M soRi...xdpT jUpe lAmE..sOrI sgT2,k..sO,noW..i'M iN syDneY..wiF A nEW lifE..althoUGh iT's hArD 4 thE firST tImE bUt iT's mAkE mE a bETtEr pErsoN..hUhU..i miH U,guYS..n lovE u..
Thursday, 5 February 2009
cOuntiNG dAyS...
juZ A fEW dAys tO gO tO aUssiE..lEaviNG mAlAysIa..mY flIghT wIll bE oN 10tH fEb aT 10.40pM..a loT oF thiNgs i neeD tO dO..bUt eVErythiNG's dOnE..pAckiNg?? doNe..dOcUmenTS?? dOnE..wuT's nOT readY yEt?? i thINk mYselF..i hAvE nO fEeliNG riGHT noW..jUZ coUntinG dAYs..n i wIll gO tO kL oN 6tH fEb..tO bUY mY lAptOP N cAmERa..hOpiNG tO gET thE bESt oNe..hUhU..i'LL uPdATe mY bloG lAtER afTER i'vE rEAchEd aUssiE..kEEp iN touCh,k..miSh u N lovE u aLL..
a wEEk As A tEAchER..
a WEek i bE a tEAchER foR cHorAl SpeAkiNG..tHerE aRE 4osTudenTS ActUallY..wOW..sO mAnY pErAngAi..mCm2 AdA...pNg2..ssH nK kAwAl..wAlAupUn nAkAl,tP doRg nI bERsUngguH prActiCe..
alhamdulillah..after A WEek..adER iMprOvEmEnT..bGS tOl..i'M gOnnA miSh thEm..dH mCm rApAt dH..adER pGl cIkgU..adER pAnGGil tEachER..aDEr pgL akAk..hMM..mCm2 gElArAn dpT..hUhU..bilE doRg tAu akU nK flY,sUmE pSn AdiAh..hOpinG tO sEE thEm agAiN..nIe lA jAsA lAst akU b4 akU flY..it's nOt EasY tO bE A tEAchER..memEnAtkN..hUhU..gUd lUcK 4 thEm..chAiyOk2..
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
cOngrAtEs....mOk yAh && pOK sU..
nI mAjliS pErkAhwInAn mY aUntiE...mEriAh SGt..siAp adER floWER gIrlS N boYs lG..HuHu..cOmEy kN..akU plAk jD pEngApiT..sOrI,nO piCS..cOz rS gMbr2 sumE cAm hOrriblE jEr..byK sgT wAT kEjE,,xseMpAt nK bErsiAp..hUhU..mCm2 nK kN wAT..bUngA tEluR..tUkAr lAngsiR..sIapkN hAntArAn..wAlAupUn cAm bZ glER,,tP bESt..aLhAmdUlillAh,selesaI gAk AkhiRnyE..yG klAkArnyER..pOK sU kN lAfAz 3 kAlI akAD bRlA sEmpurnA...nsB bAIk..fUH..hUhU..btW..cOngrAtEs..
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