Monday, 1 February 2010

1 feb 2010..

whaT a dAy..iT is a loNg daY..juz lIke thE othEr dayS..i oWez wAtcH thE cloCk..n the timE runs so it juZ oNlY 5.00pM..whAt i'm gonna dO?? whAt a boRiNg, i do mY workS like oWez..a housewiFe's worK..laundRY,tidY up tHe house, cookInG..fuhh...thEsE works continUe evrYdAy since i'm iN malAysiA..i'm CountinG dAys to go back to sydnEy..iT is 22days lEfT..i DunnO whY buT i Miss sydney sO muCH..can't waiT to havE fun therE becoZ this is my lasT yeaR thErE..therE aRe A loT of thiNgs tHat i wAnna dO..i WiSh i cAn cOmplEtE all..hMm..nwAy, eDucAtiOn is iMporTant..i havE to focuS oN mY sTudY bcoZ i havE plAyEd A loT beforE this..i hope i cAn fAcE this yeaR with flYinG cOloUrs..wAaaaa..cAn'T wAiT to go bacK..;(

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