Tuesday, 11 November 2008

a NiGhT oF mEmOriEs...

..mish u aLl...

a NigHt whIcH is fUll oF memOriEs oF CohOrT 5..cOhoRT 5..gOnnA mISh u All..u aLl rOxx N tHe bEst frEnZ eVER..aftEr 3 yEaRs wE tOgeThEr, nOw, iT'S tiMe fOr us To leave..sOmE tO uK, nZ n aUssIe..alThoUgH,wE'rE fAr AwaY fRoM eAcH othEr,bUt oUr sPiriT wIll nEvEr goNe..aLl tHe bEsT n gUd lUck..gUe sYg sAmA kamOo sEmuE...xoxo..

....mY hOusEmAtEs.....

.....mY gUrlZ.....
...mY sHayUnKs.....

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