Tuesday 14 October 2008

HMm...DizzY bOuT thE lifE...

a loT oF prObS..TesT..loVE..woRkS..exAm..hmMM..a loT oF thIngS tO tHiNk AbouT..cAn ThE tImE sToP??gIvE mE A spacE tO brEAtH..juZ foR A wHilE...i StaRT wiF lovE..mY lovE rElAtIonShiP iS nOT stAblE anD i dUn nOE wuT tO dO..jUZ livE iT tO gOd..i hOpE iT wIll bE bEttEr sOOn..tEsT..aftER mS, noW lnL..wuT i neeD tO dO???juZ rEaD N sTudY..thaT'S aLL...hMM...thEN, wOrkS..woRks..workS..uNi workS...bCoZ thE tImE wE r oFF tO ovERseA jUz aRounD thE cornER..eVerythiNg nEEds tO cOmplEtE..fOrmS..pAssporT N sO oN..hMM tIrEdnyER...nOt oNlY minE, buT nEeD tO mAnAgE aLL oF mY uNimAtEs..lOTs oF wOrkS..Hmm..nExT, iS exAM..onLY 2wEEkS b4 thE exAm,,duN reAD aNythinG yET..hMM..mlSnyER..bUt thiS iS fInaL exAm..izZA..cHAiyoK2...u cAn dO iT...yEaH..buT wuT i nEed nOw, iS sLeeP...iZZa iS sleepinG noW...ZZzzzzZZZzzz....wuT A dIzzy lIfE,.


Izyan Izzaty said...

huuu~~~~all must be tired....u r, i am, we all feel the same thing.chaiyok!!!u can do it!

izza mdatan said...

yeAh..ThAnx..u 2,GirL..