Monday, 9 June 2008

sUkmA 2008..gAnU mnG...

whaT A fAntAstic sUkmA thiS yEaR...
stArT wiF opEniNG..
thE opEninG iS fUn..colouRfuL..bEautifUL pErformAncE..cutE mAscotS, sI dimAN..pERseMbAhAN bUngA ApI yG cAnteK wAS greaT..sitI's pErformAncE,daFI N nAjib hAniF..i cAn't bEliEve thAT i wAtcH sitI'S pERformAncE iN fronT oF mY eyeS..wuT a greAT daY 4 mE..wOndERfuL gifT 4 mE..hUhU..
thE spoRTs..
tErengganU won 61 golDs..a hiStOrY..untIL wE goT a hOlidaY 4 todAY..woW..cOngraTeS thE aThlEtES...greaT pERforMancE..
thE cloSinG..
i juZ waTcH iT oN wAS fUn n iT wAS greAT tO sEE tErEngganU aS thE besT cOntigEnT 4 thiS yeaR..coNgrates gAnU..luV u 4evER..

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