Wednesday, 6 February 2008

todAy,i'm aloNE iNmY rOOm..i thInK a lOt..i dO a lOt oF work iN a waY tO avoid mYseLf fROm tHInking bOUt sOmEoNe..buT it sTilL coMeS to mY mINd..i miSs hIm sO mUcH..i aLways aSk mYsElF y i lUV tHIs guY sO muCh..i sHoULd nOt luV hIm anYmorE cOz hE is nOThiNg iN my LIfE noW..hE iS mY pAsT..n i nEeD tO fOrgEt hIm n dUn tHiNk bOut hIm anYmoRE..i"vE tO bE stRoNg n forcE mySelF..i tRy 4 almOsT 2 monTHs buT y iT doesn'T worK..i waNna cry bUt i caN't..i dun hAvE anY tEaRS n iT's hUrTinG mE fROm dAY tO daY..hE's hEre n i Hope i can sEE hIm..iT's okAY iF i juz cAn sEE hIm fRoM faR..i reAllY mEaN iT..i hOpe thiS can bE trUe..bUt iT's nEvEr sEemeD to bE a rEaLitY..y i hAvE to luV n waItINg foR somEonE thAT nevEr cARe foR mE aNymorE??y i havE to bE LiKe THis??y tHe one thAT i loVe mOsT makeS me huRt aNd cRy so mAnY timE??y i STiLL lOVE hIm??y??y??y??cAn somEoNe givE mE thE answErs??i hAtE to bE liKE tHIs..i haTE iT..pleaSe...

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