Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Monday, 14 April 2008
thE ChEeRleaDErS..conGrAtES..
sPoRt'S daY!!1
10tH ApriL...ThE spoRT'S dAY..lOvE iT..eVeryonE haS A gUD timE..i'M thE masCoT foR thE rEd hOuSE..tHe flamE..WhaT a nIcE namE hUH 4 thE firE nInjA..hUhU..eVeryonE fAnatICs bOuT thEiR sport's hOuSE..therE ArE petErpan N tinkErbEll...sEa aNgEl..n thE bEeS..tHaT'S whaT coloUrinG thE dAY!!!iT wAs fUn..lovE iT..bUT thE mosT AmazinG dAy iS rEd hOuSE woN!!!yEyEYE...lovE rEd hOuSE forEvER..hUhUHu..
Friday, 11 April 2008
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Friday, 4 April 2008
1sT AprIL..
1sT AprIl=engLisH daY!!! a loT oF works i'D got to dO..handlE sTorY tellinG,dAncE,spoRTs n mAnY morE..iT waS a lOnG daY 4 mE..a loT oF worK i'D to dO..gO everywherE..sOo tirED n tEnsioN..opEniNg ceRemOnY..i nEeD to dAncE at the lasT minuTE..rEmEmbeR the stepS buT aT thE samE tIme,i nEEd to teAcH thE cHeeRlEaderS for tHE spoRts tEnsioN..i juZ pRacTicE a feW tImES n trY to remember iT..AlhamdUliLLaH,everythinG waS fInE oN thaT daY..thEn,i wenT for the sTorY tellinG competitIOn..handlE iT witH aLl thE mAcquAriaNs..iT wAs fUn N i cAn make mE releaSE mY tEnsiON for A whilE..thEn,i'd parTicipatE n loNg juMp buT aT thE same timE i nEed tO dAncE for thE cLosinG ceRemoNy..iT wAS raininG n i managE to dancE firsT b4 thE loNg juMP..i fEEl rEallY2 frustratEd whEn i'M losE iN lonG juMp coZ aLl mY juMps werE saD..i crieD coZ i aimEd fOr A medaL foR thiS eVenT..buT it'S oK..i cAlmED mYsElF n thEN,eVerYthInG'S oK..aT niGhT,i prActicEd N teAcHeD thE chEErleaderS..aLl thE chEErlEaderS make A guD joB anD thaT cAn makE mE fEEl relieF for A whIle.,whaT A loNG daY i'd gonE...sO tirEd..
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